VR-Porn could pimp-up your sex life in no time

The last couple of weeks has been anything but a walk in the park for me, as I’ve been smoking stress due to GDC 2017, interviews, video making and whatnot. Even so, I still managed to get some time to read up on the wonderful world of virtual reality and vr sex. Well, like I’ve been saying for years now. Lewd VR games and online service will continue to grow in the future, and I was right. As we now get to see more and more lewd VR games and whatnot. I mean, you got everything from DOAX3 VR, Waifu Sex Simulator, HOLODEXXX, Femdomination, VirtuaDolls to Club VixXxen. So there should be something for everyone with no doubt (vrporn.com offers VR hentai, real VR porn and actual VR porn games).

Furthermore, there are now tons of “accessories” to be “enjoyed as well (yes, for both males and females), and I bet that there will be even more lewd VR toys in the near future. Because the adult VR market shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. In the matter fact, I have never seen as many adult VR games, services and websites as I’m doing right now (not “literally” right now. As in “this very moment”, but I think you get my point). That is some really great news for fans of lewd VR content of course, but there is still quite a lot of things to be done when it comes to VR tech. As the current technology is anything but flawless.

We have come a pretty long way though. I mean, a couple of years ago we didn’t have anything like the Playstation VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive or Gear VR (yes, you can actually experience VR on the fly via your smartphone!). So I guess that you could say that VR has kicked-off for real this time (2016 and 2017 set the VR sea in motion). I’m of course aware that this topic is something of a “tabu” subject. As I’ve started to see the connection between the MGTOW (Men going their own way) movement, adult VR services, advanced Japanese sex dolls and the Gatebox (it’s basically your own holographic girlfriend).

Now, now, don’t point any fingers at me, and let’s not be judgmental shall we? I’m simply stating that there is a growing demand of these products and services thanks to growing numbers of the MGTOW movement. I would also like to point out that I don’t have nothing against women, and I don’t hate them (I love them!). However, in all honesty. It’s really hard to juggle your career, dreams and keeping a girlfriend (or wife) happy and sound. Simply put, it takes a lot of time, money and energy…And sooner or later, that will take it’s told on your body and mind.
I would also like to add that I find it to be somewhat stupid that today´s society expect all of us to hook up with someone and get kids. I can’t speak for everyone now, but on a personal level. I have no desire to have kids, and I like the idea of being single. As I like the taste of freedom way too much to give it up (at least not yet).

Real or hentai VR? It’s all up to you and your fantasies.
What I’m trying to say is that our society as we know is going through some very big changes at the moment, and in a very near future. Guys (or girls) won’t even have to hunt around to get laid anymore. As you could experience the best sex of your life with your dream Waifu in your own home (you can basically get laid with any famous person or fictional character that you want). Especially if you add those super advanced Japanese sex robots/dolls into the mix (Armitage III-like sex robots will soon be a reality).
Sure, those robots might be rather expensive right now, but just like with any new piece of technology. The price will drop over time. Besides, we are already too many humans on this planet. So who knows? VR, sex robots and hologram girlfriends might actually help the planet and humanity at large? Well, time will tell. I’m quite sure that adult VR content could help a lot of guys (and girls) to get rid of some stress though (or help couples to spice up their sex life).