
Pyroeis - A 2D action exploration gamecomment_here

Pyroeis looks really neat and interesting if you ask me. 

I might just have found the next big thing on the indie scene. I´m talking about the 2D action exploration game "Pyroeis". At least that´s the vibes that i get from the ingame videos. I mean, just the thought of playing as a astronaut on Mars.

Makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. But then again, i have always liked to explore worlds in video games. So i might just download and try the game =)

About Pyroeis:
"Our project is to make a game called Pyroeis. It is a 2D action exploration game for PC that uses a custom built engine to send the player to Mars as an astronaut, where they will explore the mysterious caves and creatures below the planet’s surface."

-Different world each time: Don’t get tired of the same world each time. Experience new and exciting worlds.
- Destructible environment: Destroy the caves wherever you want to get access to the stuff you want.
- No world limits: Travel as far as you want.
- Varying wildlife: Don’t get bored over the same plants and animals.
- Upgradable and configurable weapons: Choose how you want to play.
- Dynamic lighting: Be challenged by dark caves and use lights strategically to your advantage. Objects in the world will cast shadow so enemies or other objects might be hidden from you.
- Realistic physics: Physics of the real world will challenge you when flying with jetpack or when debris is created from explosions.


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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