
War of Zodiarcs - A tactical JRPG card gamecomment_here

war of zodiarcs
Will War of Zodiarcs bring something new to the JRPG and card game table?

The very nice madam "Gamerwife" just informed us about Cardboard Utopia´s upcoming tactical JRPG card game "War of Zodiarcs". A game that´s been inspired by games such as Shining Force and Final Fantasy Tactics (to name a few).

And from what i´ve been told. War of Zodiarcs will become a Sqaure Enix collective pitch. It´s also said that War of Zodiarcs are set for a release sometime next year (for PC and console). That sure sounds really impressing and all.

But will War of Zodiarcs deliver? That's A whole nother question. Oh well, time will tell i guess. Anyhow, you will find more information about War of Zodiarcs downbelow!

About War of Zodiarcs: 
"The game is called War of Zodiarcs, and it blends Tactical JRPG, cards, and dice to create an exciting new gaming experience that requires tactical, minute-to-minute planning in every battle.The game features a strong visual concept, a deep story exploring the tumultuous journey to becoming an adult, and a cast of 10 party members all with unique personalities and back stories, War of Zodiarcs is the sort of complex and sophisticated adventure we dreamed of playing as children.


The choice of genres for War of Zodiarcs was inspired by our love of tactical games like Shining Force and Final Fantasy Tactics, games that force you to plan and think about your next move. Cards and dice were added to the mix to imbue the game with the excitement of playing a traditional board game, where you’re filled with anticipation and tension as you prepare to flip the card or throw the dice, and then fist-pump in success when you get the result you want.


In the game you play as Weiss, a young novice on his way to become a knight, so he can join the army ofGilden in their fight against the Toran Empire. Together with a group of like-minded adventurers, he sets out on a quest for glory.

But what at first seemed like a sure victory becomes a desperate struggle against a dark force from beyond time and space; a struggle that will determine the fate of two worlds - and teach Weiss that sometimes the burden of becoming the man everyone expects can be too much to bear...

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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