
The Gaming Ground celebrates one year!comment_here

tgg celebrates one year
We started the TGG blog 2013-01-01.

Time really does fly by when your having fun. Cuz one year ago on this very day. We actually launched our The Gaming Ground blog. Matter of fact, I worked on the TGG page on New Years Eve 2012 (the day before 2013-01-01).

And I have to say that we have achived quite a lot since we launched The Gaming Ground. We had almost no followers at all on Twitter back then, our Youtube page was dead, the webbpage needed update ect ect. But now we are a Gaming force to reckon with.

So we can´t wait to launch The Gaming Ground v2.0 !We hope to unleash TGG v2.0 upon the world this summer some time. I can tell you boys and girls this much though. Our new page will be on a new platform, and the design for TGG v2.0 won´t look anything like v1.7.

It will also be In 100% English from the start. Cuz I have to admit, It was a huge misstake to write everything In Swedish. But back In 2009, none of us had the skills (or knowledge) to write everything In English. We will however keep on translating stuff on our current site.

Because we received a lot of positive feedback from our international readers. At this moment, we translate about 3-4 articles per day. So with time, most of the stuff on our page will be In 100% English.

Anyhow, a big thank you to everyone that has supported us since the very start. And we really look forward to bring The Gaming Ground to the next level asap!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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Postat av: Lisa Radojewska

sv; Tack du! :) Jo de är det!
Hoppas det nya året fått en fin start i ditt liv!

Svar: Du är så välkommen så =) Tack du! Jag ska göra mitt bäst i alla fall ;)
The Gaming Ground

Date: 2014-01-01 Time: 14:51:14 Url: http://raawhr.blogg.se/
Postat av: Jonnié Jonsson

Tycker jag låter som en strålande ide, det borde vara olagligt att skrämma upp djuren på detta viset.

God fortsättning på dig oxså

Date: 2014-01-01 Time: 15:05:38 Url: http://alwaysfabulous.se/

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super mario

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