
Internet trolls - How to handle themcomment_here

A internet troll in action.

Sadly enough, our dear beloved internet just happens to be full of internet trolls. And i'm talking about millions, and millions of internet trolls.They are literally everywhere, and nowhere. And the more famous and successful you become. The more internet trolls will target you (the same thing goes for haters).

But that´s the price that you have to pay to reach to the very top of the food chain. Cuz there's no way to avoid them, but you can sure as hell ignore them (don´t feed them!). And don´t even think about starting a argument war with a internet troll.

Cuz that´s a war that you will never win. Trust me, It´s just a waste of both time and energy (and for some strange reason. Most internet trolls seems to have a lot of time on their hands). Me, i have been called a lot of things. Trolls have even threaten me.

But i'm not going to let them bring me down, or stop me from doing the stuff i love (making videos and writing articles). So how do you handle these foul creatures of the night? Well, i found a really good article about internet trolls (and how you should handle them) at webroot´s homepage.So you could always check that article out for some advice and guidance.

But have any of you guys (and girls) had any really bad internet troll experiences?

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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