
Why we changed language from Swedish to Englishcomment_here

Well, yeah xD

So, why this sudden change of heart (language switch) you might ask? Well, It´s quite a logical choice really. Many developers and international readers has requested several times, that we should start to write In English. Cuz as most of you guys know.

The vast majority of the translation tools and plugins, sucks pretty, pretty bad. Or, to summarize the whole "language" thing really short. Points, jokes and menings get´s lost In translation. And that ruins the whole reading experience for all the none speaking Swedish persons.

So from now on. Every review, article, Interview and so on, will be In 100% English. But I think you (our readers) will be okay with that. Cuz most Swedes understans English perfectly well ;)

Oh, we will also translate the inner pages to English. That´s going to take a while though. But please bare with us!

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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