Sony $5.00 Flash Sale
Are you ready for the Sony flash sale?
What’s up Sony Playstation 3 fans? Sony has kicked off May with another flash sale, this one focused almost entirely on PlayStation 3 games. Each game in this weekend's flash sale is priced at $5.
It includes some big names like Max Payne 3, Red Dead Redemption, BioShock, and Mortal Kombat. It also features smaller arcade titles as well such as, Fat Princess, and Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light. The only non-PS3 game among the listings is the PS Vita version of Guacamelee, since it's cross-buy.
This is extremely exciting news, since a lot of these titles are normally priced much higher. Not only does this give you a chance to get a few throw-back titles at rock bottom pricing, but it lets you enjoy them digitally; so you can save space.
I know I’ll be enjoying a few of these titles this weekend myself. Here’s the scoop on the sale. Remember all of these are $4.99 each, but unfortunately only in the NTSC region, sorry PAL players, there’s nothing for you yet.
The sale ends at 12 PM PT on Monday, May 5, so if you want a deal you should go for it sometime this week.
Grand Theft Auto 4
Red Dead Redemption
Max Payne 3
BioShock 2
L.A. Noire
Midnight Club Los Angeles Complete Edition
DarksidersArcaniA - The Complete Tale
Fat Princess
Duke Nukem Forever
Mortal Kombat
The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief
MX vs ATV: Alive
Red Faction: Armageddon
Spec Ops: The Line
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Mini Ninjas
The Mark of Kri.
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
Deep Down - Capcoms dungeon crawler RPG
As we all know by now. Capcom´s Resident Evil series are dieing. So Capcom are in desperat need of a new and successful IP. And i don´t think that Resident Evil 7 will bring anything of that to Capcom. But "Deep Down" on the other hand.
That game might just be the most important game that Capcom has made since Resident Evil 4. But Deep Down are not survival horro game. It´s a RPG/ dungeon crawler game (exclusive for PS4). And a darn interesting one too.
Deep Down are however a TBA title at the moment. But i´m quite sure that Capcom will show a lot more from Deep Down during the E3 event. But in the meanwhile, please enjoy the very first Deep Down trailer.
Tales of Xillia 2 - The collector's edition
Tales of Xillia 2 will be released on the 19th of Augusti in North America, and on the 22th of Augusti in EU.
Bandai Namco's sequel Tales of Xillia 2 is headed stateside in August of 2014, with a bonus-packed Collector's Edition in tow. Announced yesterday, Tales of Xillia 2 will be a great game. The first Tales of Xillia was a smashing success, and saw audiences swept back up into the madness that is expected of classical JRPG’S.
The only downside is, that we might not see every Tales series game re-made for next gen PS4, or current gen PS3. Whatever the decision however, Bandai Namco will always deliver for their audience, and haven’t disappointed so far.
Will you buy the "Day one edition", or the "Collectors edition"?
The Tales of Xillia 2 Collector's Edition will include a figurine of the game's main character Ludger Kresnik, along with an art book, a soundtrack CD, a plushie charm, and a replica pocket watch. The package also features a collection of costume DLC featuring classic series characters Yuri Lowell, Emil Castagnier, and Asbel Lhant. Perhaps we might even get past characters as DLC so we can play as them in separate storylines.
The game takes place a year after Tales of Xillia. Elle Mel Marta is given specific instructions by her father to board a train, and to find the Land of Canaan. Her train is hijacked before its departure, and Ludger Will Kresnik boards it to save her. The train crashes, and the two receive life saving treatment from Clanspia Inc. which puts Ludger in debt.
Clanspia Inc. hires Ludger, intending to use his Kresnik powers to destroy alternative timelines, because the spirit Origin can no longer sustain the abundance of souls in the worlds. While working off the debt, Ludger also searches for his brother, Julius Will Kresnik, who has been blamed for the train hijacking.
Sounds exciting right? I know it will be a very enticing story, filled with battles, side quests, and lots of loot. The only question that might linger, is whether Tales of Xillia’s DLC from Japan will be offered up to be used in the Tales of Xillia 2.
The sad thing is, that this style of RPG is going away, and reminds us of the PS2, and its glory. We don’t see RPG’S like this anymore, but thankfully we still have companies, who keep their brand without changing it.
Tales of Xillia 2 is one of many Tales series games arriving stateside this year, accompanying the recently released Tales of Symphonia Chronicles and the upcoming Tales of Hearts R. Tales of Xillia 2 will hit store shelves in North America on August 19. A European release will follow on August 22. Captivating hearts around the globe pre-order your copy today!
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
Octodad: Dadliest Catch arrives on PS4 and PS Vita
Normally i hate mondays. But at least i got some really good news for the PS4 and PS Vita users. Because the crazy action adventure game "Octodad: Dadliest". Are now heading to PSV and PS4. And if i´m not wrong now.
The game should be available to the whole world by tomorrow (22th of April). So keep an eye open for it!
About Octodad:
"Octodad: Dadliest Catch is the sequel to the splash hit, Octodad! This time, our cephaloprotagonist has gotten himself in a bind between his wife’s mounting mistrust, and a disastrous trip to the local aquarium! Are you dad enough to control the titular octopus father as he strives to hide his nautical nature from his family while keeping his tangled tentacles intact?"
Sony has a new PS3 bundle - The Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 PS3 bundle are yours for $269.99.
Sony has a new PlayStation 3 bundle via its Twitter page that the latest The Amazing Spider-Man game with a 500 GB console. The $269.99 featured bundle, is available for Pre-order through Walmart, and includes the game The Amazing Spider-Man 2, as well as the The Amazing Spider-Man movie on Blu-ray DVD.
The bundled movie, The Amazing Spider-Man, will be available via the movie streaming service Vudu, which is available on PC, and PS3/PS4 for download only. Thought it would be hard-disk? No, unfortunately. However with the way Vudu has been doing things.
Speaking of Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 game is being developed by Beenox Studios, and pand follows the next adventure for the web-slinger from the upcoming film. It will feature various super-villans, the most notably being The King Pin, and Kraven.
We'll see if there is a honorary note left for the late Michael Clarke Duncan nestled in there. The PS3 bundle is expected to ship on Tuesday, April 29, the same day the game launches. This will be the second game that has done well to re-invent The Amazing Spider-Man, since the last few titles in 2012-2013.
The game is going to land in stores on all consoles, except the Xbox One, due to it being post-poned for unknown reasons. Are we going to see motion commands, or first person web-slinging action perhaps? I sure hope so! Stay tuned for more info, as we keep watch over New York with The Amazing Spider-Man.
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground
The Last of us - The Grounded bundle
Yes, you can buy the Grounded DLC separately.
Naughty Dog has finally released juicy details on its new DLC – and likely the final DLC of The Last of Us. It’s called the Grounded Bundle, and it’s aimed squarely at those who still play the Multiplayer modes. Don't worry though there’s something special in there for single-player advocates, too.
The bundle is only for those with a season pass. If you want to buy the DLC's separately, you can do that, too. I'll explain below shortly.
If you’re still playing The Last of Us, Grounded Mode is all yours. It’s an all new difficulty setting that boost ups the experience. “The AI is relentless, smart, and brutal, and survival will be near impossible. 'Completed Grounded Mode' might be one of the most difficult Trophies you’ll ever earn,” writes Naughty Dog’s Eric Monacelli. Grounded Mode costs $4.99.
Four new maps:
With four new maps for The Last of Us’ multiplayer, called Reclaimed Territories. The four maps are called Wharf, Capitol, Coal Mine, and Water Tower. "The Wharf is where Joel encountered Robert in the campaign. "Capitol is set in Boston, while the Coal Mine is set in Colorado.” And finally, the Water Tower is located in Lincoln, Pennsylvania, and is “perfect for close quarters melee.” Purchased seperately, these maps will cost $9.99. But if you are a season pass holder, you'll already have them when they are released.
New Guns:
The Specter is a silenced assault rifle “that’s great if your style is stealth stalker.” The Double Barrel is a “classic, deadly, double-barrel shotgun.” Kind of makes you wish these were in the game more, and more huh? The Enforcer is a “highly accurate pistol,” while the Launcher is “a weapon that fires small explosives.” Buy them bundled together in "the Survivalist Weapon Bundle" for $5.99.
Two survival skill bundles:
The first bundle, Situational Survival Skills, can be purchased for $3.99. It comes with Agility (“climb, vault, and move while crouching faster than you could before”), Awareness (“see enemy nametags before they see yours”), Fortitude (“you’ll take longer to bleed out, crawl faster, and have more health when downed”), and Scavenger (“automatically pick up ammo and supplies”). These modes seem reminiscent of what Ubisoft did with thier shooter, Far Cry 3.
The second bundle is called "the Professional Survival Skills bundle", and can also be purchased for $3.99. This bundle includes Gunslinger (“spawn with more pistol ammo”), Bomb Expert (“your bombs will explode more quickly”), Executioner (“earn more parts for shiv kills and special executions”), and Damage Marker (“automatically mark any enemies you hit”). You wish that more FPS like Call of Duty had these, I know I do.
In addition, every player of The Last of Us, season pass holders or soft bundler's will receive a brand-new weapon free of charge, called the Full-Auto Rifle. Naughty Dog has yet to reveal the release date of this gun or any of the aforementioned DLC, but hopefully they will keep us updated soon.
PS4 owners.
If you are waiting for the Last of US, keep in mind, it will come out as the Remastered Ed. With all of the DLC released included. So, coming Back in a Major way, The Last of US is ready to unleash the beast on us all soon.
/Kenay Peterson
The Gaming Ground