
War Thunder - Behind the scenes of Victory is ourscomment_here

Yep, the "Victory is ours" video used green screens.

I think it´s safe to say that Gaijin Entertainment made a big Youtube hit with their War Thunder video "Victory is ours". Because that video has had over 2 million views so far. And just like i wrote in my previous post, i would love to see a full length WWII movie by Gaijin.

I mean, could you even imagine the epicness? It might actully become the best WWII movie since the "Cross of Iron", "Das Boot" and "The Thin Red Line". Let´s just say that i would watch Gaijin´s movie with no doubts whatsoever.

Press release:
With over 2.3 million views in less than two weeks, War Thunder’s new ‘Victory is Ours’ movie was created in commemoration of ‘Victory Day’ in Russia, but also pays a powerful tribute to the soldiers who bravely fought in World War II. To read the full Behind the Scenes play-by-play, including an overview of the history being commemorated with the ‘Victory is Ours’ movie, visit:http://warthunder.com/en/news/898-War-Thunder-Victory is-ours-mini-movie-The-background-of-its-creation-en

“The idea and the plot of the movie, ‘Victory is ours’, was born at the beginning of this year. As we developed the idea further, we knew that the perfect time to launch the video would be surrounding ‘Victory Day’, so it  was important for us to show the war from the inside, through the eyes of a Soviet Soldier”, said Kirill
Yudintsev, Creative Director of Gaijin Entertainment.

Created with the help of Ukrainian visual effects production house, Postmodern, the movie was shot with live action and CG elements to create a sense of bravery, patriotism and intense emotion. With a team of dedicated visual artists and special effects technicians, 20 actors and 80 production crew, the ‘Victory is Ours’ movie is the most ambitious cinematic project undertaken by Gaijin to date.

Film and video game fans can visit the War Thunder website http://www.warthunder.com to learn about the intricacies of executing such a large-scale video production, as well as learn more about the historical events that inspired ‘Victory is Ours’.

See the full ‘Victory is Ours’ Live Action Trailer trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-J5Vg0SxLc

About War Thunder:
War Thunder is a free-to-play, cross-platform, massively multiplayer military masterpiece for PC, PS4, Mac and Linux with more than eight million players worldwide, that allows players to fight their way across air and ground with access to over 400 of historically accurate planes and armored vehicles. Fans can expect hundreds more added as Gaijin Entertainment commits to ongoing development via regular updates. For more information, please visit http://www.warthunder.com

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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