
Sega Saturn is getting a SD Card Disc Drive - Rheacomment_here

Rhea will make Saturn hawt again.

Not since the mid 90s have i heard anything from SEGA´s Saturn. It´s not entirely all my fault though. First of all, Saturn was not a big deal in Sweden. Second of all it got discontinued in EU around 1998 (in Japan SEGA pulled the plug on the Saturn by the end of December, year 2000).

And as soon as Sony released their Playstation in Sweden. I honestly diden´t care that much about anything else (i was sold when i played Rayman for the first time on a Japanese PS1 back in early 1995). But even though that, the Saturn has a very strong fanbase to this very day.

And the Saturn mod scene is very much alive and kicking as well. Just take GDEmu´s creation "Rhea". Which would be a SD card disc drive for the Saturn. Which is thought to replace the existing disc drive. And that means that you no longer need the actually game discs to play (and enjoy) the best games that Saturn has to offer.

So if that's any out of interest to you. Then i would recommend you to checkout GDEmu´s blog for more info =)


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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