Fury - Sponsored video

The kind of movie that would appeal anyone that likes WWII movies.
If it haven't been for "World of Tanks" then i probarly wouldn't have found out about the upcoming WWII movie "Fury". A movie staring big stars such as Brad Pitt, Scott Eastwood and Jason Isaacs. And i have to say that i´m quite excited over Fury. Not soly because of the list of movie stars that´s involved in the movie.
But becouse it´s been a long time since i saw a good (new made) WWII movie. In fact, most of the WWII movies that i´ve watched recently, have been movies from 1970s or 80s. So it´s going to be rather interesting to see if Fury will deliver the gods on the 17th of October (24th of October in Sweden).
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