
Cat Fights - Coming to the App store in July!comment_here

cat fights
May the best cat win!

I just heard that Flow Studios will release their multiplayer cat fighting game "Cat Fights" for iOS by the end of July (It´s like the cat version of Dragon Ball Z) . I should point out though, Cat Fights will also be released for PC and MAC later on. But i think i´ll give it a try on my iPad =)

About Cat fights:
"Cat fights is a 1 vs. 1 multiplayer fighting game for the iPad, PC and Mac. With lots of crazy weapons, mind blowing finishing moves and fast-paced air-combat, cats fight against each other and will figuratively blow you away. If you love cats you can arm them with katana’s, fishes and lampposts, you name it. If you hate cats you can finally beat them up without remorse. 

Dragonball meets Cats in a single player and multiplayer mode, there will be enough fighting for a whole universe! Everything is fair in a quest to beat the other cat with feline grace into submission in a dynamic. strategic fighting game on your iPad, PC and Mac."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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