The Mana Pool - MTG Merchandise to the people!
I sure know what it´s like to chase a dream. Because all i ever wanted to do really was to entertain people. But it´s a long and hard way to the top (to make a living in the show biz). But everythings possible if you put your mind to it.
Hard work and determination are the key to success. So when i watched Chewie Slate´s Kickstarter campaign for "The Mana Pool". I could totally relate to his situation. He loves to do new content for "The Mana Pool" (Chewie has been doing that for over 7 years now).
But the problem is this. The Mana Pool don´t pay any of Chewie´s bills. In short, he can´t make a living out of what he loves that most. And that´s really frustrating. But that may change. Well, at least if Chewie´s Kickstarter campaign gets funded.
The goal would be to collect $10,000 within 26 days from now. So i wish Chewie the best of luck with that!
About The Mana Pool:
"Providing a complete line-up of long-awaited The Mana Pool merchandise and creating entertaining content for you full time. Hi there, I'm Chewie. I'm the creator and lead host of The Mana Pool, a long-running podcast devoted to the collectible card game Magic: the Gathering.
We focus on all the fun that can be had with the game rather than the usual strategy-oriented content and tournament results. My three cohosts and I get together over Skype every week to talk about this game that we love and record it for our listeners to enjoy. We also have content on our website, At least we did whenever I had lots of free time to produce content.
More on that later. The goal of this project is twofold. First, I want to get enough money to make all the merchandise people have been asking for since the show started. And we've been around for almost seven years, so people have been asking for a long time. But since merch costs money, and we don't actually make any money from the show, we've never been able to create anything for the listeners. That's why the first goal is going to cover production and shipping of the merch along with anything else like paying my artist and designer, Kickstarter fees, and stuff I'm sure I've forgotten.
We're talking TMP sleeves, t-shirts, playmats, and even custom dork tokens featuring the TMP hosts. Oh, and stickers. Let's not forget stickers. You can find a lot more information (and examples!) about all the merch a little further down in its section. Second, I want to focus on creating content for you guys.
I want to have all the time in the world to turn all these crazy ideas in my head into reality. I want to make running The Mana Pool my full-time job. Ideally, I'd want a year to really get everything running hard and be able to find a way to make it self-sustaining. But I know that's a bit much to ask with an all-or-nothing funding goal, so the initial goal is just going to cover making the merchandise. If this goes ridiculously well, stretch goals will offer you guys more reasons to back me and give me the time needed to create stuff."
"Providing a complete line-up of long-awaited The Mana Pool merchandise and creating entertaining content for you full time. Hi there, I'm Chewie. I'm the creator and lead host of The Mana Pool, a long-running podcast devoted to the collectible card game Magic: the Gathering.
We focus on all the fun that can be had with the game rather than the usual strategy-oriented content and tournament results. My three cohosts and I get together over Skype every week to talk about this game that we love and record it for our listeners to enjoy. We also have content on our website, At least we did whenever I had lots of free time to produce content.
More on that later. The goal of this project is twofold. First, I want to get enough money to make all the merchandise people have been asking for since the show started. And we've been around for almost seven years, so people have been asking for a long time. But since merch costs money, and we don't actually make any money from the show, we've never been able to create anything for the listeners. That's why the first goal is going to cover production and shipping of the merch along with anything else like paying my artist and designer, Kickstarter fees, and stuff I'm sure I've forgotten.
We're talking TMP sleeves, t-shirts, playmats, and even custom dork tokens featuring the TMP hosts. Oh, and stickers. Let's not forget stickers. You can find a lot more information (and examples!) about all the merch a little further down in its section. Second, I want to focus on creating content for you guys.
I want to have all the time in the world to turn all these crazy ideas in my head into reality. I want to make running The Mana Pool my full-time job. Ideally, I'd want a year to really get everything running hard and be able to find a way to make it self-sustaining. But I know that's a bit much to ask with an all-or-nothing funding goal, so the initial goal is just going to cover making the merchandise. If this goes ridiculously well, stretch goals will offer you guys more reasons to back me and give me the time needed to create stuff."