
Hip Hop Berserker - A rhythm and action-adventure gamecomment_here

hip hop berserker
Hip Hop Berserker are Inspired by Samurai Champloo. So hopefully, the game will turn out really, really great!
You can say what you want about the anime Samurai Champloo. But no one can denie the fact that the music are freaking awesome In Samurai Champloo. And the whole thing with combining music, with rhythm and fighting, that´s just bloody brilliant imo.

That´s also why I wanted to write about the upcoming iOS game Hip Hop Berserker (Kyo Itachi has made all the music for the game) Cuz It really feels, and looks like a mobile version of a Samurai Champloo rhythm/action game for iOS (but with It´s own uniq twist of course).

So I really hope that Hip Hop Berserker will become something really neat when It´s released later this year. Time will tell!

About Hip Hop Berserker:
Play the most exciting rhythm/action-adventure game on the App Store. Test your reflexes and rhythm to awesome beats, as you help Saro and Carter on their quest to save Hip Hop from the evil Hu Man Dong.

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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