Sonic Boom - Sonic goes nextgen
Sonic Boom won´t be released in Japan (for some strange reason).
When i heard that SEGA will release yet another Sonic game earlier today. I didn´t really know what to feel or expect. I have to admit that i really liked the name "Sonic Boom" though (cuz im a huge Kiss fan). But i can´t say that im that much impressed with the character design.
I don´t know if i can blame SEGA for tha one though. Cuz it´s it´s Sanzaru Games that´s developing Sonic Boom.
I mean, what´s up with the long legs? Cuz imo, it looks terrible (Sonic and his friends ain´t no basketball players ffs). But i guess that i could accept that, IF Sonic Boom turns out great in the end. And from what i´ve have heard (rumors).
Sonic Boom seems to be heading to both PS4, Xbox One and the Wii-U. I guess that we just have to wait and see if that´s really the case or not. One thing´s for sure though. SEGA can´t afford to release yet another bad Sonic game...