
Duke Nukem Mass Destruction - The Duke is back again!comment_here

duke nukem mass destruction
"i'm here to kickass and chew bubblegum and i'm all out of gum" - Duke Nukem

I don´t really know if i should be happy or sad about this news. Cuz we all know more than well how Duke Nukem Forever turned out in the end. So yeah, im very sceptical about Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction. But at least it´s not Gearbox that´s working on Mass Destruction.

Nope, it´s Interceptor Entertainment (Rise of the Triad, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project to name a few) that´s making Duke Nukem Mass Destruction happen (to PC and PS4). I should also point out that Mass Destruction ain´t a FPS game, but a top down 2D action game (kind of a nextgen version of Manhattan Project).

And from what i´ve have heard. Interceptor Entertainment (and 3D Realms) will have their official press release within 20 days from now. So i guess that we will find out even more about Duke Nukem Mass Destruction by the end of the month.


/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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