
3Doodler Giveaway - Our very first Youtube giveaway!comment_here

3doodler giveaway 
Draw and create whatever you want in 3D on the fly!

This would actually be our very first Youtube giveaway ever. But as they say, there's a first time for everything. Anyhow, the nice folks att Coolstuff Sweden (coolstuff.se) gave us a 3Doodler the other day.

And we just thought that we should give something back to our fans that has supported us since the very start. So we are giving the 3Doodler away to you boys and girls. And this is how it will go down.

We want you to paint a picture of us (me, O.J or something out of our videos) and either send the picture to us (to our mail "[email protected]"), or do a video respons to this video. 

And show your drawing/picture in your video. The 3Doodler contest will be over by the end of this month. So we will pick a winner out of the bunch by the very start of March (the first week).

So good luck boys and girls! =)

Our mailadress (mail your pictures to this adress):
[email protected]

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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