
The Hit Squad - A 8-bit movie full of comedy and madness!comment_here

the hit squad
If you feel like laughing. Then you should watch The Hit Squad!

If there's one movie that i absolutely MUST watch asap. Then it´s uper Pixel Brothers upcoming 8-bit comedy movie "The Hit Squad". Because i really like the whole concept behind the movie. I mean, it´s a 8-bit movie that´s set in the 1980s.

That offers both sex, synthesisers and skullduggery. What more could you want really? ;)

About The Hit Squad:
A movie about sex, synthesisers and skullduggery. In the 1980s, pop music hit its creative peak. The only limit was the imagination. Luckily there was someone to do all of the imagining for you, The Hit Squad. Present day The Hit Squad are enjoying a well deserved rest. However, little do they know that a new evil arises and threatens to change their lives forever. Can they defeat the evil Scourge Studios and win back their fame, fortune and the keys to the infamous ‘Fun Cupboard’?

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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