
Clandestine have now reached the alpha stagecomment_here

Clandestine will be released sometime this year for PC.

Things are going rather well for the Danish indie game studio Logic Artists. Because their third-person stealth game "Clandestine", have now reached the alpha stage. And just recently Logic Artists released a new developer blog video (V-log) as well.

So, check it out people! ;)

Press release:
"Copenhagen, Denmark -- June 26, 2014 -- Danish indie developer Logic Artists today announced that Clandestine is now in alpha for PC. Set during the mid-1990’s, Clandestine is a globetrotting spy fantasy with asymmetrical cooperative gameplay mechanics and a deep, dark storyline.

With the alpha announcement, Logic Artists has also revealed new details about the two player roles in Clandestine: The Spy and The Hacker. Using familiar 3rd-person stealth game mechanics such as concealed weapons, (including grenades and handguns), a stealth cover system, brutal lethal as well as non-lethal takedowns and cool gadgets, the Spy must covertly enter corporate headquarters, hideouts and safe houses across two continents.

Meanwhile, the Hacker utilizes a 2D computer interface, reminiscent of the mid-1990’s, to run support for the Spy on the ground by controlling and disabling security cameras, locking and unlocking digitally controlled doors and systems, blinding enemies by synchronously turning on and off all lights in an area, bribing enemies and non-player characters (NPCs) and coordinating Dead Drops of Health and Ammo for the Spy.

“The symbiotic relationship between the Spy and the Hacker forms the backbone of Clandestine’s gameplay mechanics, as to achieve success players must work together and communicate to overcome obstacles and escape dangerous situations”, said Jonas Wæver, Lead Designer for Logic Artists. “Now that we have reached the alpha milestone we are really ironing out the co-op features of Clandestine to make sure that whether gamers prefer to play as Hacker or Spy, each role is equally as fun, interesting and satisfying”.

About Clandestine
"The year is 1996, five years after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, a string of accidents and murders have gone unnoticed by the public, but have put the world of espionage on high alert. Former Cold War operatives, believing their cover intact, are being assassinated around the globe. Soviet and NATO spies are being targeted indiscriminately, causing turmoil and suspicion on all sides."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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