
Demolition Lander - When space meets destructioncomment_here

demolition lander
Demolition Lander are inspired by the Atari´s classic, Lunar Lander.

Most of you probably don´t remember Atari´s arcade smash hit "Lunar Lander" (it was released way back in 1979). But it was a very addicting space simulation game. So what does that game have to do with Apextech´s "Demolition Lander"?

Well, quite a lot actually. Cuz Demolition Lander (coming to PC, MAC, Android and OUYA) are inspired by Lunar Lander. But Demolition Lander are of course way more hightech. And it´s also a lot more action oriented than Lunar Lander (just check the trailer out!).

So it´s going to be really interesting to see how well Demolition Lander will do on Kickstarter. Cuz the Kickstarter campaign will start on the 17th of February. Well, time will tell!

Press release:
"PRLog (Press Release) - Feb. 3, 2014 - DENVER – ApexTech, an international software development company is a little over two weeks away from launching their Kickstarter campaign for the exciting, futuristic action/adventure, Demolition Lander Video Game – When Space Meets Destruction. The campaign will go live on February 17, 2014 and once fully-funded, the game will hit the iOS platform in April 2014 with expansions to Android, Windows, and Ouya in October 2014.

“Although we are a software development company and our main domains are healthcare, telecommunications, and accounting, our passion for video games inspired us to create Demolition Lander,” said CIO of ApexTech, Andrey Vlasenko. “We made a prototype, shared it with our friends and they were extremely impressed. They encouraged us to start working on Demolition Lander.”

ApexTech, founded in 2010 by Sasha Anisimov, the CEO and his CIO, Andrey Vlasenko began working on Demolition Lander after Andrey conceptualized the initial ideas for the action/adventure game. As a software developer for over seven years and a passionate gamer, Andrey took on the role of lead developer and project manager for the project, while Sasha got to work developing the perfect team.

“Demolition Lander was inspired by the Atari classic, Lunar Lander, whose concept was extended and pushed to its limits,” said Vlasenko. “We added the demolition storyline to an otherwise peaceful gameplay of landing a spaceship on an extraterrestrial planet.”

The game, which features multiple spaceships, planets, and serious dangers, begins with you controlling a lightweight spacecraft on a nearby planet. Your goal is to explore as much of each territory as possible while staying alive long enough to outlast encounters with black holes, natural danger zones, airspace mines, and anti-aircraft warfare. To make the fight fair, you’ve been given devastating bombs that literally enable you to blow up everything you encounter.

As you make it deeper into the game, the stakes will get higher with danger at every turn but more danger means stronger spaceships and more powerful bombs.

“Demolition Lander is aimed at the type of gamer who appreciates a gaming experience of classic simplicity and high quality,” said Vlasenko. “Our main focus is high quality blended with fascinating gameplay.”

The Demolition Lander Video Game – When Space Meets Destruction is set to launch on Kickstarter on February 17th.

“Considering the current level of mobile devices, you will have an entire universe in your pocket with Demolition Lander,” said Vlasenko."

/Robin E
The Gaming Ground
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